Lothian Phoenix
Guide To Classification:
Wheelchair Basketball in the UK is an inclusive sport – this means that participants of all abilities (disabled and non-disabled) are able to play the game and compete in the British Wheelchair Basketball domestic leagues.
All wheelchair basketball players are assigned a ‘Classification’ from 1-5 based on their functional ability; non-disabled athletes and athletes who do not have an eligible impairment would be assigned a classification of 5. Below is a table which characterises the functional ability of each classification.
At international level (GB) all athletes must be classifiable between 1-4.5.
Class Characteristics
1.0 - Little or no trunk movement in any plane. Balance in both forward and sideways directions is significantly impaired, and players rely on their arms to return them to the upright position when unbalanced. No active trunk rotation.
2.0 - Some partially controlled trunk movement in the forward direction, but no controlled sideways movement. Has upper trunk rotation but poor lower trunk rotation.
3.0 - Good trunk movement in the forward direction to the floor and up again without arm support. Has good trunk rotation but no controlled sideways movement.
4.0 - Normal trunk movement but has difficulty with controlled sideways movement to one side, usually due to limitations in one lower limb.
4.5 - Normal trunk movement and able to reach the side with little/no limitiations. Usually has some form of lower limb disability.
5.0 - Normal trunk movement in all directions and able to reach the side with no limitations. Sometimes known as "able-bodied" players, this charactaristic can also apply to players awaiting classification or those whose disability is not easily classified.